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Feed on in a sentence

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Sentence count:132+3Posted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: feed uponSimilar words: feedbackweed outbased onfeefeelfeel outfeel likeneedMeaning: v. be sustained by. 
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31) Does your spider feed on the prey at once or does it wrap it in sticky threads and feed on it later?
32) The bats leave the caverns at sunset each day to feed on night-flying insects.
33) The giant tortoises that feed on them are damaged in their turn.
34) They feed on large tough fruits and other vegetable matter, including bark which they can tear apart with their strong hands.
35) Even the bacteria that feed on animal and plant wastes derive their energy from the Sun.
36) They do not feed on fish excreta and waste matter.
37) Most people know that they hawk and feed on other flies.
38) The way to help dormice is to encourage hazel and a wide variety of other trees and shrubs the animals feed on.
39) They come out to feed on the insects and other invertebrates that swarm on the soft oozy surface of the mud.
40) Its fruit are about the size and colour of small oranges, and squirrels and hornbills feed on the fleshy pulp.
41) Since they probably feed on algae, a method of control would be to restrict the growth of algae.
42) The caterpillars of the monarch butterfly, surprisingly, are able to feed on milkweed without taking any of these precautions.
43) Depending when the eggs hatch, the larvae will feed on the tender vine shoots, the flowers or the fruit.
43) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
44) Many other creatures feed on the animals that feed in this way, or upon the animals that feed on them.
45) The females lay their eggs on milkweed and the caterpillars feed on these plants until they pupate, prior to emerging as butterflies.
46) The separation is at its most apparent in the summer, when the males feed on rougher pastures higher up the mountain.
47) The chicks will feed on the partially-digested food regurgitated by the parent.
48) But along comes a cabbage root fly, whose larvae feed on the roots.
49) This is the only way in which it can be forced to feed on its own surplus fat.
50) He was saying that he cared about them too much to let them feed on self-delusion.
51) The ants like to feed on the sugary liquid which the aphids produce in large drops from their rear end.
52) Flickers use this amazingly long tongue to feed on ants.
53) Pest problems Greenhouse crops are susceptible to greenfly, whitefly and red spider mite which all feed on the leaves.
54) Feed on a healthy diet of positive, encouraging, hopeful thoughts.
55) They feed on fish, grasshoppers, bird eggs, berries-almost anything. 5.
56) Those caterpillars that feed on older leaves, with a high tannin content, are less nutritious for the chicks.
57) Ghouls feed on the flesh of the dead and the living, usually frequenting churchyards and other deserted places.
58) Some species of birds have developed the ability to distinguish between model and mimic and will feed on the imposters.
59) Feeding Golden Orfe will feed on the same diet as goldfish.
60) As is well known, cattle feed on grass.
More similar words: feedbackweed outbased onfeefeelfeel outfeel likeneedweeddonespeedlie downcome downwashed outdonorspeed upneedleexceedtake downhand onhold ondone inproceedwrite downclose downhead ondonatepardonoff and onabandon
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